Most men love the eyes. Often the beloved is happy, not only from the view of a woman, but from a carelessly thrown phrase with a special tone of gentle touches or, on the contrary, rude and more. You can observe your partner, and if you want to learn more about this.

The look and behavior of
The main role in attracting men has a encouraging look. Every man can seduce with different clothes according to their own desires: you need to discreetly find out what excites him the most, or just to watch. Most often the clothing is made from a soft or silky fabric, slim, all natural female curves, and convex parts of the body.
If the girl has a nice toned Chest, then you can remove the bra: nipples peeking through light clothing, to excite all people, without exception. Another effective tip – sometimes not wear panties. It is hinted to your other half about this. Can be done in another way: the only guide the hand that is under the dress. Or you can sit so that it is noticed the absence of panties.
There are several attributes to excite men:
- high heeled shoes;
- sexy cuts on dresses and skirts, from under which are visible socks;
- neckline that shows the space between the Breasts;
- long hair well groomed;
- fitted leather dress, red or black;
- open the shoulders and neck;
- naked belly;
- sheer clothing.
Awaken to the sensuous sphere man has to know what is he thinking, what was troubling him and, in particular, what is his relationship. It is impossible to be your mate, if he thinks about unpleasant working hours or on a vehicle. If you choose the wrong moment, or the guy will not notice your attempts, or very angry. Before you start seducing the guy, you need to know, what is thinking in the moment, and to understand how it can be of interest.
The most effective way – excited by a carelessly thrown phrases with sexual connotations or a certain tone.
This method helps to create a feeling of arousal very quickly, even without touching the body of the partner, is the Supreme technique.
For example, if you are a young person, where privacy, it is best to do something nice, that will be able to relax. For example, it is possible to gently kiss his neck, quietly, leaning close to it, or to make something more erotic. This will lead the young man into joy. If you know what to whisper to his companion's ear at the right moment, it will play in your favor.
The words roll like a gentle wave of honesty, but most importantly, it should be appropriate. In the second case of an erroneous or inappropriate sayings will be listened to or completely destroy everything.
To excite the young man need to know his emotional and sensual sphere. This depends largely on what words you can say to him is to start.
Choose very carefully when you know a man is not the first day. This will help you, the time you spend together (more is better). I know, dreams and desires, and the other half.
Should know that definitely not all men are fans of directly words and phrases. There are some people that like straightforwardness, but most of them for mysticism and mystery. Such ambiguous sentences cause men to approach in quickly with your partner, especially if he says that it is a real tone and with a kind of mystery in his voice.
In order to understand what the words that are the most appropriate for the deployment of young men, we must not forget that praise is a wonderful option. Increases self-esteem, liberating the second half and flatters their vanity.
If you praise any man who is soon before you can stand. This should be done very carefully and not overdo things and is not wrong. No need to invent anything, and turn his weaknesses into strengths. After these acrid and poignant observations as may seem to him unlikely that anything will happen in bed.
There are a lot of options that can praise the second half. If you want to do this, just listen to what he says, and notice the original act from his side. Simple – you need to find the benefits of your men. In this case, you will be able to find a way to excite the young man.

Some girls think that men do not like foreplay. This is a profound mistake. Stronger sex excited, how the girl that touches the lips of the various areas of your body. It is necessary to observe how the partner reacts to every touch in different areas.
In the erogenous zones of all men, who are in different places. Almost without exception, men love it when you gently caress the lips with their nipples and Breasts. The sensitivity in this area, they have developed nothing less than the girls.
What excited young people can be understood, if a gentle touch, to bite, to suck different parts of the body, to use all his imagination in this direction. The most erogenous zone is the inside of your thighs. Even if you start by gently stroking this area, young people who are probably very excitat, as well as with light kisses in the same area.
Normal kissing is also possible to make original and interesting. There is an opinion that the sky is a very erogenous zone for men, so that, when you kiss tongue to gently touch, touch him.
In addition, you can play with the lower lip: to SIP, to bite, pinch between the lips, but the most important thing is to do it gently, it gives pleasant moments, as described in French novels of the last century.
The second erogenous zone in men is the spine. What exactly is can a young man? For example, from a respectful touch, a pleasant massage.
Very strong stimulation causes a tender kiss in the lower back and around the spine. You can start with the spine and then gradually move either the back or the neck and the head. The course can be spent relaxing or busy tongue. Although it is best to alternate to avoid monotony.
The stomach is an erogenous zone. The most sensitive area, which is located between the genitals and the navel. Should be given the most attention prior to sexual intercourse. Kissing should be passionate and gentle at the same time, so have a loved one in a few seconds. No need to come in the back region can be about 2 minutes. With such languor, the pleasure only increases, and the excitement reaches the highest peak.
Excitation at a distance
What more could a Horny young man? How you do this remotely? First of all, you should work on the look. To seduce the way everywhere: in the bar, on the street or anywhere else. To attract the guy you have to keep your eye on it until, until he will look and then look away. The game looks to be something appealing for men, unattainable. Therefore, it is likely that it will be suitable to meet the person.
Often, the distance to the desired goal much more than a metre. To excite the boy at a distance, you can use other ways. However, please remember that they're not all and not for all situations. If you must skilfully use them, they will have the same effect as touch.
In today's world, sometimes you just want to excite the young man, not only in reality but in the virtual network.
When excited with her boyfriend in the Internet most important to choose the exact phrase. Virtual communication includes clearer and more precise words.
When it comes to correspondence, it should be on the basis of frankness and freedom, if Skype and similar instant messengers, you can connect with the right intonation.
Over the phone or Skype, you can insert it into the conversation gently compliments and frivolous remarks, and at the same time their voice sexy and enjoyable.
The most confident and sure, girls can have sex on the phone, who allows himself the imitation of moaning and sexual sighs. In our time, phone sex is very popular and leads to ecstasy both. Promote the sentence is capable of performing real miracles.
Every man is excited only in the certain tone, underwear and other small parts. This is the reason why you should observe how long it takes for each method used, and notice that most quickly excites the second half.
For example, it is believed that the ear is a erogenous zone. Really, some people have it, but not all.
The same can be said about the area of the nose. Not everyone likes touching the face. Every man needs an individual approach. This is especially necessary to follow its response to your gestures and touch in the beginning of the relationship. What exactly do you need to do is to shift all the habits with the former young man in the present. Each person is different and each have different reactions to individual actions.
blockquote>Don't be afraid to introduce new elements into the relationship, you have to be careful. Because, if you don't try something new, you never know what it's like for a young person.No need to be afraid that the representative of the stronger sex, who thinks that the girl is inept in terms of gender.
The appropriate person who will pay attention and realize that is so as, perhaps, he is searching for mutual approaches. Partners need some time to create a family atmosphere with each other.
The most striking stimulating effect is, of course, the kiss. If a man really loves you, will every touch of lips or hands will cause physical stress.
If a man is around a few of the requirements, then listen to your requirements, as this will greatly improve your relationships and facilitate mutual understanding. Talking will help to remove the shortcomings, and you will feel better.